Friday, March 02, 2007


Have you ever had so many different emotions coursing through your body that you felt like if someone touched you they'd get a shock?

That's how I'm feeling.

I'm excited. A new friend is coming to town this weekend. There are lots of questions to be asked and answered.

I'm disappointed. An old friend, one I thought was going to be around for a while, is MIA. So I'm mourning the loss of a companion.

I'm tired. I feel like I've been running a marathon these past 2 weeks. I just need a break.

I'm scared. What if everything falls apart?

But I have to remember. God is the blessed Controller of ALL things. The good stuff, the bad stuff, the fun stuff, the scary stuff, the clear stuff, the unclear stuff. And His hand is in this, His eyes are watching, and He won't let me out of His grasp.

So...I will trust. I will be still and KNOW that He is God. I will listen to His voice as He whispers. And know that no matter how this weekend turns out, He knew about it all along.

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