Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I am never more aware of living in the far country than at this time of year. It's barely November, and everywhere you turn is already blanketed in Christmas music and decorations. But it's always during the next 6 weeks or so that I feel torn between the commercialism of the TV specials and shopping and the reason we celebrate in the first place. Every year I vow to be more "holy" in my remembrance, and every year I fall far short of my goal.

This year I'm cautiously optimistic. I just hope I don't wake up on December 26th wishing I'd done it all differently. It is just another reminder of how much I need and receive His grace.

So Lord, with 47 days to go, give me the wisdom and clarity to bask in the joy and love that led You to send Your Son to be flesh and dwell among us. Let my eyes not get crossed in the Charlie Brown lights and shiny wrapping paper, but let them focus instead on a humble manger, with a baby already cross-bound. Let me not be so focused on finishing my Christmas shopping that I miss opportunities to serve those who need Your love. And let whatever progress I make toward this goal be offered to You as a sacrifice of praise, because we both know it's not my efforts. I am just the vessel.

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