Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Rebecca is...

I am intrigued tonight by the status update in my online addiction, Facebook. Some people don't use them, some use them too much, some use them to pay a compliment or earn one... Tonight I am overwhelmed by mine. I want to update it. But every status that is accurate, truthful, reveals WAY too much about how I am actually feeling.

Disappointed. A promise broken.
Beside herself. Distraught that a trust has been compromised.
Lonely. No voice on the line.
Drowning. Overwhelmed by a day's worth of things that didn't get shared.

Where is the familiar? Where is the depended upon? Is it gone for the time being, or should I buck up and wait it out, confident that there are still 42 more minutes before faith should hang its head and raise the white flag?

Boo. This is for the birds.

And still:

Rebecca is...

1 comment:

Steph VG said...

Love you. Praying.