Friday, September 26, 2008

The Encore Effect

Mark Sanborn, author of "The Fred Factor," has written another book outlining the characteristics of a person who makes those around him keep asking for more...the encore, as it were.

Like many of his contemporaries, he talks about the actions and traits necessary to achieve success in any area of life, but specifically, in the workplace.

Unlike other similar books, however, Sanborn includes what he calls "Intersections." These chapter conclusions link the real world priniciples with biblical truths. Some, honestly, are a stretch. Nevertheless, the effort is worthwhile, although it might seem out of left field to a nonChristian reader.

There are no "eurekas" in this book, which Sanborn readily admits in his introduction. And that isn't really his goal, he says. Rather, he wants to enlighten those who have strayed from committing to excellence and get them back on the path to a more fulfilling career and/or ministry.

This is a good refresher course for anyone with a career or ministry, especially if you've reached a point where you are either questioning what you're doing or wondering where to go next.

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